$297.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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The Connected Couple

Spread the investment over 4 months. The Connected Couple program will transform your relationship by:

  • Helping you get unstuck and move forward in your partnership.
  • Providing a unique opportunity to work directly with Dr. Gloria Lee on a 6-week journey.
  • Diving deep into the core principles and practices to repair and reinvent your relationship.
  • Asking questions, putting fears aside, and taking actionable steps to improve your relationship immediately. 

Wowowow! Gloria’s course is a life changer in all my relationships. I could already tell even on the first hour of the first class that left me in awe and excited to use the tools I learned. I cannot believe that by the 6th class I have confidence and hope that both my partner and I have the tools to have a happy and healthy relationship.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Kayala